2 min read

Culture and leisure

Explore the Tobacco Route of the Semois:

Explore the Tobacco Route of the Semois: A Journey into the Heart of the Ardennes

Today, we invite you on a unique journey through the history and terroir of Belgium: the Tobacco Route of the Semois. This picturesque circuit takes you through the stunning landscapes of the Ardennes, following in the footsteps of the artisans who have shaped the history of this exceptional tobacco.

A Journey Full of Discoveries

The Tobacco Route of the Semois winds through the charming villages of the Semois Valley, offering you a deep dive into local history and traditions. This circuit is dotted with must-see sites where you can uncover the secrets of tobacco cultivation, visit century-old drying sheds, and meet passionate producers.

Key Stops Along the Tobacco Route:

Vresse-sur-Semois: Known for its idyllic landscapes, this stop will introduce you to traditional drying sheds, where tobacco is still air-cured, an ancient method that gives Semois tobacco its unique flavor.

• Alle-sur-Semois: Dive into local history by visiting museums dedicated to tobacco, where you can admire old rolling machines and other tools once used by tobacco farmers.

• Corbion: The village of Corbion is a true gem for tobacco enthusiasts. Once a key center of tobacco production in the region, Corbion today offers several activities related to this tradition. You can visit historical drying sheds where tobacco is air-cured, as well as local farms that continue to cultivate tobacco. Don’t miss the small tobacco museum, where the history of tobacco cultivation in Corbion is told through captivating exhibits. You’ll also see demonstrations of artisanal production and have the chance to speak with producers who share their passion and expertise.

Bohan: End your journey on a high note with a tobacco tasting directly at a producer's farm. Take this opportunity to discover different varieties of tobacco and take home your own supply.

A Cultural and Sensory Experience

The Tobacco Route of the Semois is not just a journey through enchanting landscapes; it’s also a true immersion into a rich and authentic culture. Each stop on the circuit offers you the chance to interact with passionate producers who proudly and generously share their craft.

Practical Tips

We recommend taking your time to savor each stop along the route. Whether you choose to explore the Tobacco Route by car, bike, or even on foot, each turn promises unforgettable surprises and discoveries. Don’t forget to bring a camera to capture the beauty of the Ardennes landscapes, and why not bring along a pipe or cigar to enjoy Semois tobacco on-site?

On the Road to Authenticity

The Tobacco Route of the Semois is an invitation to slow down, breathe in the fresh Ardennes air, and let yourself be enchanted by the aromas and history of this unique terroir. Whether you’re a tobacco aficionado or simply curious to discover a lesser-known facet of Belgium, this circuit promises a rich experience full of emotions and discoveries.

We hope to see you soon on the winding roads of the Semois Valley!

Looking forward to new adventures,